For a very long time, we have only been aware of the common blood groups — A, O, B and AB. But, In a recent breakthrough, scientists have identified a new blood group which they refer to as ‘Er’. And the most fascinating thing is that there are 5 blood types under the new (Er) blood group. The discovery of these five new blood types has sparked a great deal of excitement in the medical community. As it may lead to new treatments and therapies for patients in need of blood transfusions. It may also help to identify people who are carriers of rare blood types.
In this context, ‘Er’ stands for Erantigens. And the five blood types under this group are named on the basis of their genetic Piezo1 protein variations. More on that later.
Why the discovery of new blood types is important
The discovery of new blood types is important because it can help in the treatment of certain people. The truth of the matter is that there are people with uncommon blood types, and their treatment often presents challenges. That is for instance when they have to be transfused with blood. In case the blood cell happens to have antigens that the body doesn’t recognize, the immune system becomes hostile to it. So it attacks those blood cells, with a view to destroy them. When this happens in a person’s body, the results can obviously be catastrophic. Before the discovery of the new (uncommon) blood types, there was a risk to those people, being given the wrong blood. It causes many severe problems in their bodies. But now that doctors have insight into the new blood types, the risk of such people getting the wrong blood is no longer there.
So in a nutshell, we find that the discovery has made the treatment for people with uncommon blood types easier and safer. When a doctor orders a transfusion for such people, they can do so with the assurance that it is indeed the right blood. So this may be a new difference to, say, the blood type test London doctors often order before starting certain treatments.
When we only had the A, B, AB and O blood groups, some people with uncommon blood types may not have been well-catered for. And this may have led to them getting poor treatment outcomes. For instance, if someone with Er blood group were to be given B group blood, there may have been terrible reactions. And before the new blood types were discovered, the reason behind such reactions would have been deemed ‘inexplicable’. But, with the discovery of the new blood types, there is complete clarity on the matter. Doctors now know that beyond the common A, B, AB, and O blood groups, there are other less common blood types, under the Er group.
There are also scenarios where a pregnant mother happens to have a blood type that is different from the one in her baby. This can happen, due to the genetic contribution of the baby’s father. But the mismatch between the mother’s and baby’s blood group can cause many major complications. Before the discovery of the new blood types, there was a huge risk of the reasons behind such complications not being understood. But the new discovery helps prevent such cases. Thus in the context of the blood type test London, doctors often order for pregnant mothers, this is yet another key angle.
Understanding the 5 blood types under Er group
As noted earlier, under the newly discovered Er blood group, there are 5 blood types. These blood types are classified on the basis of genetic variations. It turns out that on red blood cells’ surfaces, there is a protein known as Piezo1. This protein has a role in vascular blood flow sensation. It also helps with some functions within the kidney and lungs. Now there can be some variations in this particular protein (Piezo1). And it is those that form the basis for naming the 5 blood types under the Er group.
How the discovery of the new blood types came about
The discovery of the new blood types is the result of work by a team of investigators. It was under the leadership of Vanja Karamatic Crew, based in Bristol (England).
To be able to make discoveries of the new blood types, Vanja and his team used a couple of high-tech approaches. First was the DNA sequencing technique. And second, was the gene-editing technique. The end result of their work was a demonstration of Piezo1 protein as a blood type determiner. That is ultimately what led to the discovery of the Er blood group, as well as the 5 distinct blood types under it.
Are you in need of blood group test London services? Our Private GP in London can conduct the test at your convenience.